Brisbane Music Studio
11 / 160 Lytton Road, Morningside
(Colmslie Corporate Park)
p: (07) 3103 2670
Get In Touch
How To Find Us
Drive in the driveway of the Colmslie Corporate Park and drive towards the back. Then turn right to head down to the second row of warehouses and we’re the second last one on the left. Unit (warehouse) 11. Look for the bright green BMS signs!
Address: 11/160 Lytton Road (Colmslie Corporate Park)
Morningside, Queensland 4170
Phone: (07) 3103 2670
0410 489 559
Studio Hours:
(The hours we’re happily teaching)
Mon – Fri: early afternoon to 9pm
Saturday: 8am to 3pm
Contact Hours:
(For phone enquiries)
Mon – Fri: 8am to 5pm
Saturday: 8am to midday
Email: Anytime!